911 Breaking News

Social Media And Automated Dispatch Alert Acknowledgement

             *For Subscribers wishing to receive SOCIAL MEDIA ALERTS and AUTOMATED DISPATCH ALERTS* 

         By choosing to receive SOCIAL MEDIA alerts, and or AUTOMATED DISPATCH ALERTS, you acknowledge the following:


  1.  911 Breaking News strives to provide 24/7, National coverage of emergency incidents.  However, due to staffing, lack of consistent coverage in some geographical regions, as well as other factors, sometimes beyond our control, live-time monitoring, and reporting of incidents aren’t possible.  To supplement our coverage and reporting capabilities, we provide information from multiple social media outlets which provide information on emergency incidents.  These incidents are forwarded and broadcasted over the 911 Breaking News communication infrastructure and in turn, are sent to our subscribers who have expressed interest in receiving SOCIAL MEDIA ALERTS.
  2.  911 Breaking News strives to provide 24/7, National coverage of emergency incidents.  However, due to staffing, lack of consistent coverage in some geographical regions, as well as other factors, sometimes beyond our control, live-time monitoring, and reporting of incidents aren’t possible.  To supplement our coverage and reporting capabilities, where available, we provide alerts when a FIRE / RESCUE incident is initially dispatched via an emergency communication dispatch center.  These alerts advise of the type of call being dispatched, certain address information, as well as certain information about responding units.  Alerts of aforementioned information are forwarded and broadcasted over the 911 Breaking News communication infrastructure and in turn, are sent to our subscribers who have expressed interest in receiving AUTOMATED DISPATCH ALERTS.
  3.  While 911 Breaking News attempts to verify all information sent over our infrastructure, we cannot guarantee the veracity of the information obtained from the multiple social media outlets we obtain the information from.
  4.  Currently, when selecting to receive social media alerts, you will be receiving alerts about national and world news.  Not from one specific state or geographical area.
  5.  A subscriber may opt in or out of receiving social media alerts and automated dispatch alerts at any time by making the proper modification in their account settings.
  6. These statements and the above information are subject to change without notice.
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