911 Breaking News

Personal Subscription

The following is just a sample of the features we offer our subscribers:

*LIVE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, as it’s happening, Police, Fire, Rescue, Traffic, Severe Weather and National Breaking News alert incident notifications delivered to your wireless device!

*News alerts which can be customized by geographical location and by incident type

*24/7 TIP LINE.   You can call or text us about an incident for our review to be sent out on the 911 Breaking News System. Your contributions help us to provide the most up to date information to our subscribers!

*24/7 Customer service whenever you need it. We’re just a phone call, text message or email message away. Our Customer Service Team attempts to respond back to your request of assistance within a few hours. We care about our customers and want to provide them with the best Customer Service possible!



*Please note… 


Customers wishing to have news alerts sent to their CELL PHONES using their “CELL PHONE #’s EMAIL ADDRESS” (ie.,5555559111@verizon.net), are requested to please use a standard EMAIL account (Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, etc) instead.  We recommend this due to many cellular carriers randomly blocking our alerts as SPAM.  

911 Breaking News will be releasing mobile applications in the near future.  In the interim, another form of alert delivery is to purchase the PUSHOVER MOBILE APPLICATION.  This is a 3rd party mobile application which provides message “push alerts” (Similar to receiving an alert when receiving an email message on an email application).  When signing up for Pushover, a user-specific email address is issued which will alert the mobile application when a 911 Breaking News alert is sent to that email address.  It’s a simple and efficient application.  911 Breaking News has no affiliation with Pushover.  We use it and like to recommend it due to its ease of use and functionality.  There is currently a 30 day trial available.  

For information about the Pushover mobile application, please click the link below.



Personal Subscription Options:
MONTHLY:  $5.00
ANNUALLY:  $50.00

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