911 Breaking News

PulsePoint Automated Alerts


While It’s 911 Breaking News’s intent to send out EVERY newsworthy incident to its subscribers, at times that isn’t possible. Sometimes due to factors beyond our control, incidents are missed.

One of our normal courses of business is to notify our subscribers of incidents that may affect them in one way or another. A few of our incident categories include: CRASHES & TRAFFIC ALERTS. Notification of these incident types can assist a subscriber with making alternate travel plans in the event of a major traffic backup.

While it’s not in 911 Breaking News’s business model to dispatch EVERY traffic collision and traffic backup, we realize that some of our subscribers might like being alerted to them.

911 Breaking News’s alerting system is capable of rebroadcasting PulsePoint.org’s notifications of initial EMS / Fire / Rescue / CPR alerts.

A subscriber has the option of choosing to receive alerts from any agency and alert type that PulsePoint.org offers.

*Please note: PulsePoint’s alerts are classified as “automated alerts.”  These alerts are rebroadcasts of local Fire Emergency Communications initial dispatches.  They ARE NOT “confirmed” incidents.  As such, 911 Breaking News is not responsible for the veracity of the alert information.

IF a 911 Breaking News dispatcher receives information that an incident which was sent as an automated alert, requires further updates, they will reclassify the incident, update it with any pertinent information, and it will be sent out via our alerting system to our subscribers.

This service is FREE with your subscription. It can be added / deleted, and updated at any time. If you are interested in this added feature, please follow the setup instructions in your account control panel.

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